Each Listens and responds to the other verbal and nonverbal communication
What is Counselling ?
- Resolve problems
- Avoid a potential problem
- Makes constructive changes
Qualities of a Counselor
- Ability to Listen
- Empathetic
- Nonjudgmental attitude
- Respect and regard for the client
- Ability to maintain confidentiality
- Appropriate modeling
- Patience and tolerance
- Optimism
- Commitment and Helpful
- Flexibility
- Emotion maturity and stability
- Ability to recognize and to deal with own issues and Role clarity.
Listening and responding nonverbal cues
- Posture
- Eye contact
- Gesture
- Facial expression
- Tone and voice
- Physical distance
- Know that one is 'with' the client
- Build trust ald closeness
- Reduce anxiety
- Express thoughts ald feelings freely
- Understand the entire message
- Recognize depth of feeling
- Assess openness with which issues are being addressed.
Counselling Process
- Develops therapeutic relationship
- Demonstrate attitude of concern, Warm
- Discuss therapy and heighten motivation
- Create nonthreatening atmosphere
- Overcome resistance.
- Client fells comfortable and accepted
- Increased willingness to work on issues.
Explaining Problem Areas
- Issues discussed in greater details
- Facts of feelings of past and present
- Open and Honest Discussion
- Insight increases probing and confrontation
- Family involvement ensured.
Setting Goals
- Priors issues
- Brain storm options
- Active participation
- Realistic Recovery plan.
Maintaining Changes
- Whole person recovery to be focused
- Encouragement and support to be provided
- Plans fine tuned
- Potential problem identified
- Relapse handled
- Helps client work for recovery consistent
- Sustain effort and motivation.
Communication Process in Counselling
Counselling is a type of therapy which helps the individual overcome their problems. Moreover, it helps them gain their lost confidence. Therefore, counselling refers to the process of helping a person face their problem and overcome it.