Each Listens and responds to the other verbal and nonverbal communication
What is Counselling ?
Resolve problems
Avoid a potential problem
Makes constructive changes
Qualities of a Counselor
Ability to Listen
Nonjudgmental attitude
Respect and regard for the client
Ability to maintain confidentiality
Appropriate modeling
Patience and tolerance
Commitment and Helpful
Emotion maturity and stability
Ability to recognize and to deal with own issues and Role clarity.
Listening and responding nonverbal cues
Eye contact
Facial expression
Tone and voice
Physical distance
Know that one is "with" the client
Build trust ald closeness
Reduce anxiety
Express thoughts ald feelings freely
Understand the entire message
Recognize depth of feeling
Assess openness with which issues are being addressed.
Counselling Process
Develops therapeutic relationship
Demonstrate attitude of concern, Warm
Discuss therapy and heighten motivation
Create nonthreatening atmosphere
Overcome resistance.
Client fells comfortable and accepted
Increased willingness to work on issues.
Explaining Problem Areas
Issues discussed in greater details
Facts of feelings of past and present
Open and Honest Discussion
Insight increases probing and confrontation
Family involvement ensured.
Setting Goals
Priors issues
Brain storm options
Active participation
Realistic Recovery plan.
Maintaining Changes
Whole person recovery to be focused
Encouragement and support to be provided
Plans fine tuned
Potential problem identified
Relapse handled
Helps client work for recovery consistent
Sustain effort and motivation.
Communication Process in Counselling
Counselling is a type of therapy which helps the individual overcome their problems. Moreover, it helps them gain their lost confidence. Therefore, counselling refers to the process of helping a person face their problem and overcome it.